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German and Spanish adaptations of Duployéan [Anglais]

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Inscrit le: 24 Oct 2009
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Sam 24 Oct 2009 9:52 am    Sujet du message: German and Spanish adaptations of Duployéan [Anglais] Répondre en citant

I am looking for information - any information - on the German and Spanish versions of Duployéan Stenography.

  I am writing a proposal to include the Duployéan shorthanded in the Unicode standard, and would like to gather as much information as possible. Unfortunately, I have been unable to track down any information on these German and Spanish adaptations. For your information, the proposal currently includes the French Duployéan, Chinook writing, Romanian Stenography, Pernin, and Sloan-Duployan shorthand. I have identified but found no information on the Brandt or Galloway English systems, and any help in tracking these down would also be appreciated.

  Much thanks, and sorry my French is not good enough to write in,

  Van Anderson

PS, as part of this project, I am creating a Duployéan font that will be available as freeware as soon as it is complete. I will post a link here to the font and the Duployéan keyboard layout when they are available, so anyone can use them.
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Inscrit le: 21 Mai 2006
Messages: 643
Localisation: France (Seine et Marne)

MessagePosté le: Sam 24 Oct 2009 1:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello vanisaac, and welcome to the forum ! Very Happy

I'm not into Duployean shorthand and therefore cannot be of any help (Aimé Paris is the system I'm using), but I'm sure our Duployean experts will come and help you soon.


P.S.: I'm very interested in your Duployean font. Please, let us know when it is available. Many thanks !
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Inscrit le: 24 Oct 2009
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Dim 25 Oct 2009 3:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

You can see a sample of the font in my avatar. I wrote my name in the proofing tool with a slightly older version of the font and just printed the screen to make it. The basic set of symbols works pretty well, but I am currently trying to get everything working for the Pernin and Sloan systems, as well as all the diphthongs. I will be passing out the font and keyboard layouts to several different groups, including this one, as soon as it is fully functioning.
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Inscrit le: 21 Mai 2006
Messages: 643
Localisation: France (Seine et Marne)

MessagePosté le: Dim 25 Oct 2009 5:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

vanisaac a écrit:
I will be passing out the font and keyboard layouts to several different groups, including this one, as soon as it is fully functioning.

Thank you so much ! Looking forward to it.
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