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Duploye shorthand for English

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Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2006
Messages: 16
Localisation: USA

MessagePosté le: Sam 24 Juin 2006 10:03 pm    Sujet du message: Duploye shorthand for English Répondre en citant

Apologies for writing in English, but my French is atrocious. :/ Does anyone know if the Duploye system of shorthand was ever adapted to English?

Also, is metagrafie a further development of the original system, or something entirely different?

Merci beaucoup!

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Inscrit le: 21 Mai 2006
Messages: 137

MessagePosté le: Sam 24 Juin 2006 10:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well, first of all welcome to this board, Tom!
As you have probably noticed, this forum is not specialized but everybody here loves shorthand and will be glad to welcome you. There is no competition between the different systems taught on the Old Continent.

Now, you may take a look at this topic :

The choice of the adaptation will depend on the variant of Duployé shorthand you already know. Here in France, only one variant has been taught since 1950. It's called "Métagraphie Duployé codifiée." It is a highly abbreviated version of the original system devised by the Duployé brothers. This version has its own adaptation, which follows approximately the same abbreviating rules.
Now most English-speaking people prefer the Sloan-Duployan adaptation, which differs greatly from the French system. It has specific signs for simple and complex sounds in English, however, the rules are very simple and they bear no exception.

Bear with me as high technology is not my cup of tea, but I'll be glad to post other scans if you want.

Bienvenue sur ce forum, Tom !
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Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2006
Messages: 16
Localisation: USA

MessagePosté le: Dim 25 Juin 2006 2:41 am    Sujet du message: Duploye shorthand for English Répondre en citant


Many thanks for kind reply to my question! You were a great deal of help with the link that you posted. I was able to compare the Perrault-Deploye vs. the Pernin system, which is not so good. I have been told that the Sloan-Duploye system is also not accurate. It appears the M. Perrault did a great job- his outlines appear very logical and fast. I was able to find a copy of his elementary textbook in Montreal- I've already ordered it. If you think of any other books that might bear reading, I'd appreciate an email.

Great to see France triumph over Togo in the World Cup!


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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2011
Messages: 969

MessagePosté le: Ven 05 Juil 2019 8:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Please see:

J’ai / Je cherche,
Duployé : les adaptations à la,langue anglaise
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